Ninja Space Content Tech Blog

Showing Tag: "react app" (Show all posts)

Updated a React App to Use Vite and Yarn

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Thursday, January 23, 2025, In : react 

Today for 3 hours in the middle of the night between 2AM - 5AM, I was on a mission to update my react app to use Vite!

I had to use about 3 different resources to get my app to render correctly. In the past, I've only mainly used npm commands and had never used yarn or Vite before so I've beefed up my stack today!

I followed these instructions by slushman to almost a "T".

What I got stuck on was getting my components to render. I had to change how I was importing reactDOM. The line that I had ...
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Integrating Google Adsense in a React App

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, In : Google Adsense 
For several years, I've been embedding Google Adsense on my websites to earn revenue. Part of the process is when I'm adding ads to a new site that I've just launched, I would need to add that site under settings for my Google Adsense account and wait for a review.

My Steps
  1. Go to your Google Adsense account and on the left side, select "Sites." 
  2. Go ahead and add a site here. Embed your code with your publisher ID in the head section of your website.
  3. Then, request Google Adsense to review it. 
  4. You ...

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Adding a Sitemap to Godaddy Shared Hosting

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Saturday, May 22, 2021, In : react 
On May 9th, 2021, I added a sitemap.txt file to one of my React apps so that it can get properly indexed in the search engine and I can start seeing stats on Google's search console. I am current hosting this app on Godaddy's shared hosting. 

Today, a couple of weeks later, I noticed that I am not showing hits on certain pages; just on the homepage. So, I went on my app and utilized real time tracking and I realized Google Analytics doesn't pick it up even in real-time. I figured this may have...
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Deploying React App with AWS Amplify

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Thursday, April 15, 2021, In : AWS 
I created an AWS account 3 months ago but hadn't deployed anything on any of their services until last evening! A few months ago, I was having trouble with AWS Elastic Beanstalk and decided to put it in the back burner to learn Angular and TypeScript. Now, I'm ready to dig into AWS again. Instead of using AWS Elastic Beanstalk this time, which was what I originally had in mind, I decided to try out AWS Amplify to see if deploying my React app this way would be easier. It definitely is.

Here we...
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Deploying React App on AWS Beanstalk

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Sunday, January 24, 2021, In : AWS 
Here are the steps that I took to deploy my React App today: 
  1. First sign up for a free AWS account
  2. Create a new app in AWS Beanstalk
  3. Use git to bundle my source according to instructions here: $ git archive -v -o --format=zip HEAD
  4. One thing that I noticed that AWS Beanstalk looks for to run the files in there server.js (back-end) and client folder (front-end). So I'll need to make some changes. Example: my server file should be named server.js and not "index.js" like I have now. Also, t...

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Hosting React App on Godaddy Hosting via cpanel

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Sunday, January 24, 2021, In : hosting 
Through GoDaddy, I pay shared hosting for one of my React apps. It was quite easy. After I run a build, I just drag over some files and then it was done.

Steps to use Cpanel from Godaddy's Shared Hosting to host a React App

Here are the steps I took to complete the entire hosting process:
  1. After you've logged into Godaddy with your account information, go to the cpanel File Manager part of Godaddy for your hosting account. Go to 'settings' to check the box next to "Show Hidden Files" or you won't...

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About Ninja Space Content

Ninja Space Content I have been building simple websites on my own since 2008 and currently run several websites at the moment, including this one. I used to be an account manager for an affiliate/e-commerce company, helping affiliates grow their sales so I have some knowledge on the business side and client side of affiliate marketing. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I completed a JavaScript coding bootcamp and graduated in Dec 2020. I've been working as a contractor for a few software companies ever since.
Note: links to resources and promoting special deals may allow me to earn a small commission from each sale.