Ninja Space Content Tech Blog

Showing Tag: " tutorial" (Show all posts)

G4 Property Configuration for Google Analytics

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, In : Google Analytics 
I went into my Google Analytics today to create a new property for a new website that I've just deployed yesterday and new properties are now automatically G4 (new for Google Analytics)! The original Google Analytics still remain if you've configured a property way before this new set-up. However, you're not going to be able to find the tracking info that you're familiar with in the new set-up. 

Usually after I've created a new property, I can find my tracking code under "Tracking Info" but I ...
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Week Three of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Thursday, April 1, 2021, In : angular 
I'm on Week Three of Angular and I'm going to re-do a workshop again because I wanted to figure something out that wasn't working properly for me before. I'm coding along with Programming with Mosh's tutorial on Angular.

My Fixes
In the Section 14-Solution-Favorite-Component, Mosh wrote the following line in the favorite.component.ts file: isFavorite: boolean; and it showed a red squiggly line for me and my front end would not compile right. There were two different changes that I could choose ...
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Week Two of Learning Angular Part 2

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Thursday, March 25, 2021, In : angular 
This is Week Two of Angular Part 2, click here to see Week Two of Angular Part 1.

What else impresses me about Angular so far
I am so excited about their pipes and how easily it is to change the format of your data!

Two-way Binding
Following the Angular Tutorial from Programming with Mosh, I kept getting the following error: "NG8002: Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'." After some googling, I realized that with my version of Angular installed, I had to go to my app...
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Week Two of Learning Angular Part 1

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Monday, March 22, 2021, In : angular 
I'm officially on my Week Two of Learning Angular. Click here to see Week One. I'm finding that as I'm noting all of these while I'm learning, it's helping me immensely and I hope it'll help you. I decided to purchase Mosh's Angular Tutorial for $15. It seems like a great deal for 30 hours of tutorial and I don't have to waste time weeding through materials and watching in between ads from Youtube.

To make a class a component, you have to add the decorator at the top like import {Com...
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About Ninja Space Content

Ninja Space Content I have been building simple websites on my own since 2008 and currently run several websites at the moment, including this one. I used to be an account manager for an affiliate/e-commerce company, helping affiliates grow their sales so I have some knowledge on the business side and client side of affiliate marketing. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I completed a JavaScript coding bootcamp and graduated in Dec 2020. I've been working as a contractor for a few software companies ever since.
Note: links to resources and promoting special deals may allow me to earn a small commission from each sale.