Ninja Space Content Tech Blog

Showing Tag: " deploying redux with safari blank screen" (Show all posts)

create-react-app and Redux for React Apps Plus Safari Blank Issue

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, In : react 
I've been creating react apps since October 2020 so it's only 9 months and I've only worked with redux for one of my projects so far and I want to work on another project with redux. For this blog post, I'll be highlighting on creating my new react app with create-react-app and redux implementation.

Through the coding bootcamp, I would just "npm install react react-dom react-scripts" in my command line, and "mkdir" my src and public folders and corresponding files to start my react projects. I...
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About Ninja Space Content

Ninja Space Content I have been building simple websites on my own since 2008 and currently run several websites at the moment, including this one. I used to be an account manager for an affiliate/e-commerce company, helping affiliates grow their sales so I have some knowledge on the business side and client side of affiliate marketing. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I completed a JavaScript coding bootcamp and graduated in Dec 2020. I've been working as a contractor for a few software companies ever since.
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